Scales, Old boys, Guy Friends, Small Forwards

I don't care where the scale is, the ones with the moving weights is always more accurate than the ones with the rotating scales. I stood on my gym scale just yesterday, one of the little rotating ones, and it said I weighed 180. I then readjusted my feet a little, and it went up to 185. Curious I was, so re adjusted my feet a little more, and all of a sudden I'm a 190 lb heffer. I then jumped up and down on the scale, each time, it was between 175 and 192. Thus, who cares if there's a 3 lb difference as long as its a real doctors scale, its close enough.
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
B - Funny B/C my cousin just wrote a song about it - Click to Listen
So I was just thinking today.. why is it that we feels o obligated to get absolutely wasted on our birthdays?
Its not an obligation, its a right of passage. As Americans, we are taught that growing old is something horrible. This A) drives our desire to drink away our sorrows and B) drives our desire combat this myth and have more fun than we've ever had before, thus more drinking.
Why are the tolls on the Hudson river crossings more expensive than the tolls on the east river?
I'm pretty sure the river is bigger on that side. Plus, revenue must go to NY and NJ, while other crossings only go to NY.
How many cals do u think having sex burns?
Wow, I found a great website to help with this question. This site talks about all the variables, positions, noises you make, when you pull out, multiple orgasms, etc, and tells you how much each of those burn.
Why do i talk to you?
I'm tall, goofy, skinny, unathletic and white w/a big nose, no accent and I'm quite entertaining. I'd say even though you're a non jew w/a strong sex drive, somehow virgin Jews turn you on.
Have you ever accidentally text messaged the iconal person in your sexually history nearly two years after you stopped talking? Well...I did on Saturday night...he didn't call or text back so I thought I was safe until he just emailed me...I am freaking out! What do I do??? And damn is this a ask Ben blog or what? ;)
You need to decide if you want to be with this person. Obv the text was an accident. His email was not. Thus, he's interested in engaging you. You need to decide if you want him back in your life and seriously. If you don't, then don't write back, if you do...have fun and use protection.
Why do I feel like you just made everything way more complicated?
You're a girl, you're irrational, you're crazy, you've got no confidence, you have a lot of big questions in your life and you feel like you are stuck in a rut and are not sure where your life is going and are not sure if you'll ever meet that one guy who'll change your world. However, its not complicated. Don't worry. Don't think about what will be. Just do as you want to do and do what you want for yourself, the rest will come. Wow, I should be a psychic.
So you know how said all your friends are girls...Well a lot of mine are guys (and coincidentally living in the city), and I would be happy to introduce you to them if you are still lookingfor friends?
That's nice...but my friends are girls b/c I DON'T LIKE GUYS. I don't understand the point of guys hanging w/guys just like I don't understand the point of Fraternities. I like playing sports with guys, but why would I want to hang w/them all the time when I could hang out with girls? I don't like looking at guys, I don't trust most guys, and I don't respect most guys. I've been living w/my roommate for 2.5 years now and it still took about 8 months before we were really friendly, while when living w/a girl, I'd become best friends w/her in a week. So, thanks for the offer, but they're not really my type.
Guys must have done something really horrible toyou in the past...then again, i used to say (pre-college) that I got along with guys better than girls... so i guess its the same, just reversed.
Not really. I don't understand anyone who like guys, especially to hang out with. If I were on sex in the city, I would totally be Samantha...having fun w/my girls and keeping a few boys on the side for fun. Most are pigs, jerks etc. Girls feel close to guys when they think they've broken down the barriers, but those guys are still assholes. They're still stealing other guys girls, not being honest, not calling, sleeping around and lying. I only know a few guys who are not like this, and they are engaged, married, and or whipped. Good luck finding one.
If I lived closer to you, would you date me?
I was talking to my friend about his fantasy basketball team and he's like "I need a small forward" and I was like "why does he have to be small" and he made fun of me.....why?
"Small forward" is a position on the team. Like a pitcher in shortstop in baseball. It has nothing to do w/the size of the guy. A shortstop does not have to be short.
Lets think of some other positions that could be confusing. A halfback is usually the same size as his teammates and a quarterback is not half the size of the half back (don't even ask about a nickleback). A tackle is an offensive players that isn't allowed to tackle, while a defensive lineman actually tries to bust through the line of tackles and make a tackle. Lastly, a tightend always has a bigger ass than most of his wide receivers.
This guy totally just sent me a message calling me a "hot jewish teacher" and his profile says "in a relationship" - guys are such dogs!!
someone on oprah was talking about how much weight she lost just having sex.
"Girls feel close to guys when they think they've broken down the barriers, but those guys are still assholes. They're still stealing other guys girls, not being honest, not calling, sleeping around and lying."
It's sick and kinda sad how your sentiment completely applies to me and this guido I started dating Friday. Why do 'girls' choose to ignore or justify the reality of a situation? Hope?
About the tolls - In NY you have to pay each way so they are cheaper each way, but over the hudson you only pay one way (into NYC)
Was that your hot cousin that wrote that song? because if so, that makes him soooo much less hot
You guido dater, you get what you deserve for dating this guy.
A picture
Get him tested first
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